2019 is here and I, for one, have made up my mind to see things differently. In a world that is amazingly connected through many platforms, I’ve found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed with information and the need to “know” everything. Reading, comparing, analyzing, judging….that’s what we do. I get a lot from learning new things and new information, but there’s a point of overload that makes me feel out of touch with something deeper that can’t be found outside of myself. I’m feeling more and more ready to get back in touch with that beautiful place within me that I can trust. It’s called Intuition. It’s the best part of myself because it’s the place that really knows me and knows what works for me. Anyone else out there feeling that? If you are, I encourage you to remind yourself just how powerful you are when it comes to recognizing that you have more knowledge, more wisdom, more answers than you give yourself credit for.
When we were very young, we moved through our days listening to that voice within. That voice told us to move, to play, to discover. That voice told us when we were tired, hungry or needing something. That voice was totally connected to our feelings. We listened and then we asked for what we wanted or needed.
Life is grand and full. There is much out there for us. But, for me, there is a wealth of information within. When did I stop listening? When did I let go of trusting that voice and let the world fill my head instead?
As a Health and Life Coach, I’ve been given the best gift of all. I’ve learned how to be a better listener. As I listened to others it became clear that my own voice was there inside…wanting to be heard too.
Many of you know that I’ve had a lifetime of struggles with food, eating and weight. I’d love to say that I am completely free from that. I maintain a healthy body and I eat well, but I still have the tendency to look outside of myself for answers. When that happens, I forget to honor the voice within.
There are two plates that we get to fill when it comes to “feeding ourselves”. One plate is filled with food we eat and hopefully we can discover those foods we love that loves us back. The other plate is even more important and sometimes less full. It’s the plate that we fill with things that nurture and nourish us in ways that have nothing to do with food. It’s the plate that can only be filled when we tune inward and discover that voice again. That voice that has all the answers and really knows who we are and what we need. For me, that plate has sleep, play, exercise, meditation, writing and being with people I love.
So, for 2019, my wish for all of you and for myself and those I love, is to turn down the volume a bit on all that external noise and turn up the sound of our Intuitive voice. It’s there, waiting to be heard and it’s full of love, peace and insight. I’m gonna try and fill both of my plates in a way that gives me what I need. I hope you will do the same.
Hugs and love,