How to Eat Well When Traveling
Traveling can make eating right a challenge, but with a few tips, you can enjoy your trip, relax, have fun and still take care of yourself by eating well!
- Arm yourself with healthy snacks that are easy to pack like packaged nuts, healthy protein bars, herbal tea bags, dried fruits and dried veggies. Bring along a baggie of your favorite protein drink powder and super berry powder. If you are gluten free, pack your own breads, crackers, etc. Keep the majority of this stuff in your main luggage and have small amounts available in your carry on for the plane ride.
- When at the airport, get lots of water to take on board the plane and keep hydrated.
- When at a hotel, request rooms that have a small fridge and request a blender. Most hotels will accommodate this. You can use the fridge to store fresh fruits and veggies. You can use the blender to make protein drinks for yourself in the morning before you head out.
- When going out to restaurants, try to look online at the menu ahead of time and choose your selection so that you already know what you are having and are not tempted to eat too much of the foods that are not part of your food plan. Remember that you are traveling and you definitely don’t need to be perfect at all! Just do your best and enjoy yourself. Choose items that include a protein and some veggies and then enjoy a bit of something special if you like!
- Although your schedule might be crazy while traveling, do your best to have your 3 meals a day at as close to your regular times as possible. This will keep your metabolism in line and your digestion on track.
- If traveling by car, make sure and bring a cooler (even if you buy a disposable one) and stock healthy fruits, veggies, proteins and water) this will cut down on the convenience store junk food that is always so tempting on road trips!
- Most importantly, make sure to enjoy a few of the new food experiences that can be such a great part of traveling, but keep your health as a priority. Don’t stress out about the food. Eating clean really just means fruits, salads, veggies, nuts, protein. Keep it simple and enjoy your trip!